When it comes to healthy people, we take the organic approach.

Making an Organic Impact
We were founded on the belief that organic is better for our bodies, our families, our communities, and the planet. Beyond our products, we work each day to help farmers and communities across the country by removing toxins from our water, air, and land. Because of our heritage and the intentionality that drives our business, Stonyfield isn’t just good, it’s Good On Purpose®.

Supporting Organic Farmers
Supporting small, organic family farms is an important piece of Stonyfield’s foundation, and there’s more urgency than ever to support the next generation of farmers who are on the frontlines of healthy food production, leading the way on climate change mitigation, and supporting economic growth in their communities. According to the USDA, our country has lost half of its dairy operations since 2003—from the tiny family farms in New England to multigenerational dairies in Wisconsin. We’re on a mission to help today’s farmers while also empowering the next generation. Join us in supporting small family farms!

Growing A Healthier Future for Our Kids
Did you know that over 26 million kids play sports on fields* and that 65% of fields are sprayed with harmful pesticides**? When it comes to health, the air you breathe and the fields you play in are just as important as the food you eat. That’s why we’re working with communities across America and experts to help make all fields organic by stopping the use of harmful pesticides on playing fields and public parks where so many families spend time together. Our goal is to help communities across America take the necessary steps to convert to organic field maintenance and empower families everywhere by providing tools and resources to make changes locally and in your own backyard.
Fun Fact: Stonyfield has helped to reduce the use of toxic persistent chemicals on fields in 40 cities by helping convert parks and playing fields to organic maintenance.
*2015 SIFA Trends
**Potential Health Effects Related To Pesticide Use on Athletic Fields. R Gilden-E Friedmann-B Sattler-K Squibb-K McPhaul – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22512421

Providing Healthy Options to Our Community
Providing support and complimentary yogurt to charitable organizations that care for the earth and promote healthy living is one of the ways we love to support great causes and give back to local communities. In 2022, Stonyfield Organic donated 310,360 samples, amounting to over $384,000 and 16,000 cases of yogurt.

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